In Windows 7 or Windows Vista some users have experienced a problem with Programs and Features/Turn Windows features on or off. Instead of the list, blank dialog appears.

There are several steps how to fix this. After each step restart your PC and see if it did the trick.
Try it in order presented here:
- Enter command: sfc /scannow
- Download system update readiness tool:
- If the issue is still not resolved, go to C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\ and open with notepad CheckSUR.log file. If there are lines like this one:
(w) CBS Catalog Expired 0x800B0101 servicing\Packages
than there is a fix that resolves a problem with server manager as well (“An unexpected exception was found: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException”).
Download system update – fix: - If the lines begin with (f) instead (w) you need to manually delete registry keys. In registry search and delete all the lines in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/WINDOWS/CurrentVersion/Component Based Servicing/Packages/ that match the lines in the log file that begin with (f). Those are the corrupted registry keys.
That’s it! If the problem is not resolved after this steps, the only other solution is to reinstall Windows…or switch to Linux 🙂